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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

To keep my sanity

So as a side project I've been looking for a job to do from home!  We don't need the money but I need something more to do and I need a creative outlet.  So I've been looking at becoming a freelance writer.  I've been a good writer all throughout high school and college but have never been good at writing any sort of fiction.  With that, writing about what I want to seems to fit the bill.  I have opinions on just about everything and I try to make myself knowledgeable about the things I'm about to partake upon.  With that I'm confident that I can come up with some good writing material but...what if I write my articles and the company doesn't want to hire me?  This is what I'm afraid of the most.  I know I won't become rich over night but it is a step in the right direction for me to able to enjoy something while staying at home with my kids.  Plus I can keep the job even if we move! Comments please!

1 comment :

  1. I think that sounds awesome!!! You would be great. I always love reading your blogs because they are full of life and spunk and energy. I would read your articles!!!
