Thursday, September 23, 2010
Time is flying by and looking forward....
To so many things! But mostly I'm looking forward to giving birth to this baby. We have specifically gone with a homebirth midwife because I know my body can do this. I don't want to be told that we need this intervention or that intervention when things are going so smoothly. I'm looking forward to feeling every sensation and having either my own hands or my husbands hand deliver our baby. I was so naive for our first child that I researched so much for my second. When that one came around and some nurses didn't like how I was doing anything I knew the next time around would be at home or a birth center. End of story. My body is made to have children and to feed them and I couldn't be more blessed and happy about this design my Heavenly Father has given me. The funny thing about preparing for this birth is I'm not so anxious or scared. I'm definitely not scared. The anxiety part is of normal pregnancy wondering actually in fact if we will end up having the baby in the car because we have to drive to Murray from Tooele to have this baby. But if this labor turns out anything my last two, I'm in for a mini marathon. Steve thinks it is going to be much shorter and I actually have faith and a feeling that it is going to be as well. I feel so good about everything and just thinking about it makes me want to cry. This journey has been so long and has taught me so much about the designs of everything that our Heavenly Father has put into place. There is a reason why things happen and why some things should never be messed with. I'm excited and I can't wait to share my birth story and pictures of this little guy who is making this journey between two worlds.