Post about our events with the pictures on my camera...BUT....I have packed it away with all of our other cameras to take with when I go into labor. Great. Just great! So instead I'll just ramble about things. Lets start with Aaden.
Aaden is officially potty trained! Woo-hoo. We never pressured but did do bribing when need be. He pretty much decided when he wanted to do it. They say potty training your kid is more about training the adult. That is for sure. I wanted him to be fully trained at 3 but he didn't want to so I just said heck with it and sat back until it happened. Well it did happen just shortly after his 4th birthday and he's been a champ ever since. He is very animated and comes up with the funniest sayings. Love it. Should start writing them down. He's in swimming lessons and dance. He loves both but has his days where he doesn't want to go. So if he doesn't want to go...we don't. But the majority of the time he wants to go.
Landon is still my baby. I think he is going to have the hardest time adjusting to everything when the new baby comes! He is my snuggler. I love it. I know that I'm going to have to be creative when this baby comes to make sure he still feels important. He definitely can take things very personal some times. And he's only 2. He still isn't talking but is trying. He understands what we are saying to him and is very interactive. He also just prefers to sit down and look at a book and act it out. He definitely has his moments where reading a book he will sit down to listen but the majority of the time he could care less. He wants to hold that book. He is stubborn but looks up to his brother. Ohhhh just thinking about him makes me want to squeeze him he is that lovable.
Steve is...well...busy. All. The. Time. Work takes up a lot of his time. And when he isn't at work, his phone is going off with text messages or calls from someone. Gets quite annoying after awhile! But c'est la vie. We have Navy Ball this weekend. It is the annual event of the Navy's Birthday. Not looking forward to going at 38 weeks pregnant but I don't want to stay home either. Other than that he is just Steve. Always doting upon the boys and the dog, making sure his people are taken care of, and just genuinely a good person all the time. Love it.
Me. Hmmm what about me? Well I'll be 38 weeks on Saturday. Woo-hoo. Been having really good pressure waves all week long. Hoping that this kid decides to make his debut before Halloween. Also not too excited about this weekend more so cause of the comments I'm gonna get from all the drunk Sailors freaking out that I may go into labor on the dance floor. *Cue dramatic Hollywood labor scene* Plus I'm hoping my dress fits. It is one I wore last year and I'm hoping it does. I really don't want to go buy another one. I'm also hoping that the food is good or I'm going to be unhappy.
So other than that we just live life. I enjoy being at home with the kids. I'm trying to get all my cloth diapers done before this little one arrives. That way I can focus on Christmas gifts. I'm almost done with my newborns and if I just sit down and do gets done pretty fast. I should be done with them completely today and then I'll start on my smalls. Woo-hoo. But first we have swimming lessons. Oh and laundry!