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Thursday, April 1, 2010


So here I sit, just got done eating some dill pickles and some strawberry yogurt and yet I'm still nauseated!  I'll be 10 weeks on Saturday and I'm counting down the days, even though it is still a mystery as to an exact number, until this nausea is gone.  I'm still on Zofran which helps but it doesn't fully take away the nausea.  At this point soda and any artificial sweeteners and treats make my tummy turn.  And this isn't a good thing as Easter is this weekend and I'd like to partake in the treats part.

So what is this about frustration?  Well I'm frustrated because I have no, zilch, none.  This equates to dinner never being done, house not cleaned, and behind on laundry.  At the same time it means I have no energy to do anything with my kids.  I've tried to start exerting myself and I get extremely winded, dizzy and nauseous.  I'm gonna ask my midwife about this if it continues when I see her again.  So my poor hubby suffers.  The dog can't go out much since there is a foot of snow in the yard since she still has stitches.  I think she is as frustrated as I am.  I'm sick of this excess salivation.  It makes me nauseous.  It equates to this at night...sleep with excess salivation...wake up with severely bad breath and nausea.  The things my hubby has to put up with in order for me to just maintain a bit of dignity.

I know I'm not walking around like the walking dead with my last pregnancy but still.  My family environment is suffering.  I'm sure within the next week or two I'll feel a shift in energy and the nausea will start to subside, but until then I feel guilty.  Guilty because my poor hubby not only has to deal with jackasses at work but then he comes home and takes care of the kids and what little he can get done in the house just so I can have a moment to myself.  Good thing it is a 4-day weekend coming up.  Maybe I'll be able to do something so I don't feel so guilty.  In all actuality it's kind of depressing.  I've had this good thing going in the house with staying on top of everything and this pregnancy has just sidelined me.

Well I think that is all for now.  I'm thinking of just getting a good cry out.

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