Friday, December 31, 2010
New things to come!
I'm making some big changes. Yes big changes and I will not reveal them until tomorrow. So for my one follower (Are there more of ya? I'd like to know who you are!) I will have inspiration. I mean who doesn't need inspiration? I will be putting it all out there. The good and the bad. Perfections and imperfections. Join me!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I love free!
That is 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly. I usually do the Walmart route but this year I want something really nice for our family of 5. So if you'd like to find out how to get 50 free holiday cards...go here. I'm looking forward now to getting these done. They have some really cute designs and I can't wait! Woohoo Go Shutterfly!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So Hudson is as of today 2 weeks and 4 days. Where did that time go? He is such a perfect little angel and I love it. His brothers love him too. So some quick stats from his two week visit....he is 8lbs 15 oz and 20.5 inches long. He never lost any of his birth weight which is amazing. He is such a good eater but my milk definitely flows out. He wakes up maybe once or twice at night and loves to snuggle. Ahhhhh I love being a mom! It is the best!
Anyways here are some pictures for viewing pleasure!
I have been so blessed with my boys and am so lucky to be their mom. I couldn't ask for anything more except my oldest will tell you differently. He wants a bigger house and lots of toys. I could go with the bigger house but lots of toys....not so much! Oh such joy!
Anyways here are some pictures for viewing pleasure!
I have been so blessed with my boys and am so lucky to be their mom. I couldn't ask for anything more except my oldest will tell you differently. He wants a bigger house and lots of toys. I could go with the bigger house but lots of toys....not so much! Oh such joy!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hudson's Birth Story and My Unmedicated Natural Childbirth
Hudson’s Birth Story
Friday October 29, 2010 we had our weekly appointment with our midwife Rebecca. Everything went picture perfect just like every other appointment we have had. We did a Non-Stress Test (NST) which was great and then went ahead with a vaginal exam. To my surprise I was 2cm and 50% effaced! I have never been that far along before labor. Both Steve and I were happy, excited and optimistic for this birth. Later that night I had a massage. It definitely helped me relax. The next day was my EDD but I knew I wouldn’t be having him that day. So we went about our Saturday of getting things done and the kids ready for Trick r Treating. We had fun at grandmas and nana and papa’s. The next day proved to be a little different. We headed out to Steve’s work and then to drop of the umbrellas and coat back at grandmas. We then went to Costco and that’s when I started having contractions. They weren’t painful and were sporadic. So we walked to see if we could get them into a regular pattern. Unfortunately we couldn’t. But on the way home at about 3 p.m. they were coming every 4 minutes and lasting about a minute. I was thinking there is no way this could be it but maybe it is as well. So we called my sister to come spend the night and then they became sporadic again. By morning they came back and both Steve and I were battling back and forth as to whether it was the real deal or not. We agreed that by 8:30 a.m. if they were still coming we would call Rebecca. Shortly after 8 they became non-existent. Very frustrating.
Tuesday gave us more contractions but we knew it wasn’t the real deal. So Steve too the rest of the week off and we kept busy with menial tasks to take our mind off of it.
Thursday morning I resolved myself that I will be pregnant for a while longer and to just enjoy the weather and life itself. Steve was getting frustrated just because of everyone asking every hour if the baby was here. We went for a morning walk and came home and relaxed. I made sure I took a nap as a “just in case”. After nap time we went to McDonald’s to let the kids play. At 4:30 p.m. I felt my first contraction. It wasn’t painful and they were spread out but it felt different. Steve wanted me to time them but I said no. No sense in psyching ourselves out if it wasn’t the real deal. At 5 we headed home and I cooked dinner. Still having contractions but nothing that took my breath away. At 6 I needed a moment to myself so I went and got in the tub. I was having contractions but was able to have a conversation with my grandma. At 6:30 I got out and we went for another walk. This is where things picked up. Halfway through the walk I had to stop. We were averaging contractions every 4-5 minutes lasting about 45 seconds. They were very hard to time since they would linger in my back area. We got home and called my mom to come out. By the time she arrived I knew I was in labor but the logical part of my brain was still in denial. (False labor will do that to you). We called Rebecca and headed out to grandmas. I had 2 good contractions in the car that I really had to focus on. We arrived at grandmas at about 8:45 p.m.. We called Rebecca and let her know how the ride was and we decided 10:30 would be a good time to meet at the birth center. So the next hour and a half was spent laboring at grandmas. We laughed and joked and I focused when I needed to. At 10:30 we left for the birth center.
Once there and settled in, we did an initial set of vitals and everything looked great. Contractions were at 3-5 minutes lasting 45 seconds to a minute. I was able to cope really well. I labored on my birthing ball and danced around the room. Steve just watched and waited for me to ask for his help. I was managing real well. Around 2 a.m. I decided to get in the tub as the contractions were getting more intense and I was having to focus more. Steve got in with me which was nice. After a couple of hours I got out and labored by the bed and in the bed. I hadn’t used any of my hypnobabies as it annoyed me but when I lay in bed I put it on and it helped me sleep some. This is where time starts to get fuzzy. I started getting nauseous so I labored on the toilet and threw up a few times. I also felt a bulge but it wasn’t a head or a bag of waters but we knew progress was being made. Around 5 Rebecca suggest we break my water or to take some blue and black cohosh. I was not mentally ready for breaking my bag of waters and when I saw what the blue and black cohosh was I couldn’t do that either. Basically I would have to do a shot and I’m not a drinker so that was hard. At this point I started to feel some defeat. So I got back in the tub. Contractions spaced out a bit which was nice. I was able to get some much needed rest. It also recharged me mentally. During contractions I sang a lot. Steve stayed right by my side and did wonders on making sure I had water and food when needed. At 8:45 a.m. I was ready for her to break my bag of waters. Little did we know what this would entail. My cervix was still high and it was painful. It also proved to be difficult to break. His bag of water was bending the amniohook. She had never seen anything like it. At this time I was still at a 3-4 cm. So back to the tub. She went and did a couple of appointments and we labored right along. Still singing when needed. This is also when I started getting a bit primal. I had very low lioness sounds coming out. It felt good. At 10:00 a.m. we attempted to break the bag of waters again. Still bending the amniohook. But progress had been made. I was 4-5 cm and 80% effaced. Back into the tub I went. At 10:45 we attempted the bag of waters again. This time we were all determined to get it broke. I was a solid 5 cm but still 80% effaced. Success was achieved. It was painful but I knew what would happen once this bag of water broke and I needed an end in sight. Once it broke I just laid there. Then the contractions got intense and off it was to the tub. About a half hour after we broke my bag of waters things became so intense. Contractions were coming every 1-2 minutes and lasting 60-90 seconds. I felt like there was no break. Steve did such an awesome job at reminding me to use low tones as all I wanted to do was scream. I just felt I couldn’t do it anymore and I said so but both Rebecca and Steve reminded me that I was doing it and that I can do it. Finally my body started taking over and would just push. So I went with it. I would plant my feet down by the faucet and squat in a laying position and bear down. I felt like I had some control then but not really. I was ready to tap out! But to my amazement not once did I ever ask for drugs. Finally I started to feel this pressure. I checked inside of me and felt what I thought was a head. Rebecca checked and told me that his head was right there and that I had a little lip left but that I was complete. I remember that my eyes widen with excitement and I knew what I need to do. I started to bear down with every push as it was what my body was doing. Finally I started feeling this ring of fire. It was the most excruciating thing I ever felt. But I knew it was a head. I felt down there and at first it felt weird but now I find it fascinating. At this point my body was pushing and it was so hard not to push with it but some how I managed. Steve had been right behind me being my support person. I held his hands while he would squat and I would basically pull on him when I needed to push. He stayed like this for almost an hour. Once his head came out I felt relieved and then to feel his shoulders moving one by one was the most amazing feeling ever. He came tumbling out with the cord around his neck once and was placed on my chest. I immediately started crying. I couldn’t believe I just had a baby the way it was intended. No medications, no doctors taking my baby away, no continuous monitoring. Just a completely normal birth.
Hudson was born on November 5, 2010 at 1211 p.m.. He weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 20 inches long.
It didn’t take me long to deliver the placenta and his cord wasn’t cut until it stopped pulsating. To feel that lifeline was indescribable.
This is the most amazing experience I have ever had. It was also one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I had to dig into a place I knew existed but had never had to go to before. I also have one of the most amazing partners ever. He knew what to say and when to say it. He never really had to touch me but his strength at the end is what I needed physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I’m still in awe that I did it and never asked for drugs. I would do it all over again and have no regrets. We found an amazing midwife that was perfect for us. I am so thankful for this experience and it is just what Steve and I needed after having to medicated births before. It is truly amazing and I hope I never forget how I have felt about this.
Laboring on the birth ball
Still early labor!
Steve just being awesome!
Simply amazing!
We did it! All 3 of us!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
So I was going to finally...
Post about our events with the pictures on my camera...BUT....I have packed it away with all of our other cameras to take with when I go into labor. Great. Just great! So instead I'll just ramble about things. Lets start with Aaden.
Aaden is officially potty trained! Woo-hoo. We never pressured but did do bribing when need be. He pretty much decided when he wanted to do it. They say potty training your kid is more about training the adult. That is for sure. I wanted him to be fully trained at 3 but he didn't want to so I just said heck with it and sat back until it happened. Well it did happen just shortly after his 4th birthday and he's been a champ ever since. He is very animated and comes up with the funniest sayings. Love it. Should start writing them down. He's in swimming lessons and dance. He loves both but has his days where he doesn't want to go. So if he doesn't want to go...we don't. But the majority of the time he wants to go.
Landon is still my baby. I think he is going to have the hardest time adjusting to everything when the new baby comes! He is my snuggler. I love it. I know that I'm going to have to be creative when this baby comes to make sure he still feels important. He definitely can take things very personal some times. And he's only 2. He still isn't talking but is trying. He understands what we are saying to him and is very interactive. He also just prefers to sit down and look at a book and act it out. He definitely has his moments where reading a book he will sit down to listen but the majority of the time he could care less. He wants to hold that book. He is stubborn but looks up to his brother. Ohhhh just thinking about him makes me want to squeeze him he is that lovable.
Steve is...well...busy. All. The. Time. Work takes up a lot of his time. And when he isn't at work, his phone is going off with text messages or calls from someone. Gets quite annoying after awhile! But c'est la vie. We have Navy Ball this weekend. It is the annual event of the Navy's Birthday. Not looking forward to going at 38 weeks pregnant but I don't want to stay home either. Other than that he is just Steve. Always doting upon the boys and the dog, making sure his people are taken care of, and just genuinely a good person all the time. Love it.
Me. Hmmm what about me? Well I'll be 38 weeks on Saturday. Woo-hoo. Been having really good pressure waves all week long. Hoping that this kid decides to make his debut before Halloween. Also not too excited about this weekend more so cause of the comments I'm gonna get from all the drunk Sailors freaking out that I may go into labor on the dance floor. *Cue dramatic Hollywood labor scene* Plus I'm hoping my dress fits. It is one I wore last year and I'm hoping it does. I really don't want to go buy another one. I'm also hoping that the food is good or I'm going to be unhappy.
So other than that we just live life. I enjoy being at home with the kids. I'm trying to get all my cloth diapers done before this little one arrives. That way I can focus on Christmas gifts. I'm almost done with my newborns and if I just sit down and do gets done pretty fast. I should be done with them completely today and then I'll start on my smalls. Woo-hoo. But first we have swimming lessons. Oh and laundry!
Aaden is officially potty trained! Woo-hoo. We never pressured but did do bribing when need be. He pretty much decided when he wanted to do it. They say potty training your kid is more about training the adult. That is for sure. I wanted him to be fully trained at 3 but he didn't want to so I just said heck with it and sat back until it happened. Well it did happen just shortly after his 4th birthday and he's been a champ ever since. He is very animated and comes up with the funniest sayings. Love it. Should start writing them down. He's in swimming lessons and dance. He loves both but has his days where he doesn't want to go. So if he doesn't want to go...we don't. But the majority of the time he wants to go.
Landon is still my baby. I think he is going to have the hardest time adjusting to everything when the new baby comes! He is my snuggler. I love it. I know that I'm going to have to be creative when this baby comes to make sure he still feels important. He definitely can take things very personal some times. And he's only 2. He still isn't talking but is trying. He understands what we are saying to him and is very interactive. He also just prefers to sit down and look at a book and act it out. He definitely has his moments where reading a book he will sit down to listen but the majority of the time he could care less. He wants to hold that book. He is stubborn but looks up to his brother. Ohhhh just thinking about him makes me want to squeeze him he is that lovable.
Steve is...well...busy. All. The. Time. Work takes up a lot of his time. And when he isn't at work, his phone is going off with text messages or calls from someone. Gets quite annoying after awhile! But c'est la vie. We have Navy Ball this weekend. It is the annual event of the Navy's Birthday. Not looking forward to going at 38 weeks pregnant but I don't want to stay home either. Other than that he is just Steve. Always doting upon the boys and the dog, making sure his people are taken care of, and just genuinely a good person all the time. Love it.
Me. Hmmm what about me? Well I'll be 38 weeks on Saturday. Woo-hoo. Been having really good pressure waves all week long. Hoping that this kid decides to make his debut before Halloween. Also not too excited about this weekend more so cause of the comments I'm gonna get from all the drunk Sailors freaking out that I may go into labor on the dance floor. *Cue dramatic Hollywood labor scene* Plus I'm hoping my dress fits. It is one I wore last year and I'm hoping it does. I really don't want to go buy another one. I'm also hoping that the food is good or I'm going to be unhappy.
So other than that we just live life. I enjoy being at home with the kids. I'm trying to get all my cloth diapers done before this little one arrives. That way I can focus on Christmas gifts. I'm almost done with my newborns and if I just sit down and do gets done pretty fast. I should be done with them completely today and then I'll start on my smalls. Woo-hoo. But first we have swimming lessons. Oh and laundry!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Time is flying by and looking forward....
To so many things! But mostly I'm looking forward to giving birth to this baby. We have specifically gone with a homebirth midwife because I know my body can do this. I don't want to be told that we need this intervention or that intervention when things are going so smoothly. I'm looking forward to feeling every sensation and having either my own hands or my husbands hand deliver our baby. I was so naive for our first child that I researched so much for my second. When that one came around and some nurses didn't like how I was doing anything I knew the next time around would be at home or a birth center. End of story. My body is made to have children and to feed them and I couldn't be more blessed and happy about this design my Heavenly Father has given me. The funny thing about preparing for this birth is I'm not so anxious or scared. I'm definitely not scared. The anxiety part is of normal pregnancy wondering actually in fact if we will end up having the baby in the car because we have to drive to Murray from Tooele to have this baby. But if this labor turns out anything my last two, I'm in for a mini marathon. Steve thinks it is going to be much shorter and I actually have faith and a feeling that it is going to be as well. I feel so good about everything and just thinking about it makes me want to cry. This journey has been so long and has taught me so much about the designs of everything that our Heavenly Father has put into place. There is a reason why things happen and why some things should never be messed with. I'm excited and I can't wait to share my birth story and pictures of this little guy who is making this journey between two worlds.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A part of my Family History
So this last Sunday we had a family reunion down in Mayfield, UT. Afterwards we went over to the town that my grandfather grew up in and took a visit to a house that his dad lived in. It is a one room house with a cellar off to the side. Kids and vandals do not respect much of anything so they are debating whether or not to tear down the house! Good thing for Steve and I we brought our good camera, snapped a few photos and I have now finished editing them. My uncle will be taking some wood from the old barn and house and making picture frames for everyone so I'm so happy that we will have this piece of history to have in our family! Here are the pictures that I have taken and did some editing on.
I know that this means a lot to my grandfather and he is very torn between having to break it down or leave it up. It is the last reminder of the father he had when he was young and that is always a hard thing. I'm just so glad that we were able to take these photos and that I have the software available to do some editing! I think it'll be a nice gift to him and I know he will treasure it. Now I just have to decide on sizes and frames! Yea!!
I know that this means a lot to my grandfather and he is very torn between having to break it down or leave it up. It is the last reminder of the father he had when he was young and that is always a hard thing. I'm just so glad that we were able to take these photos and that I have the software available to do some editing! I think it'll be a nice gift to him and I know he will treasure it. Now I just have to decide on sizes and frames! Yea!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Pictures of our trip to Texas
Theses are my nieces Angelina and Carolyna. They wanted to come over every day to play with the boys.
My boys on the Riverwalk Barge. I just remember it being HOT!
At the San Antonio Zoo.
And of course Sea World to see Shamu!
My boys on the Riverwalk Barge. I just remember it being HOT!
At the San Antonio Zoo.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Texas May 2010
So we finally made a trip to Texas to visit Steve's family. We flew down there and back and the boys did phenomenal. Aaden was so excited to go on an airplane he couldn't sleep the night before! When we got down to Texas....mind you it was still in the 60's here in was hot. So here I am pregnant....not to terribly pregnant...but enough to be uncomfortable. We stayed at the parentals house and had a good time. We went to the museum, did the riverwalk, the San Antonio Zoo, Seaworld and just enjoyed shopping and spending time with the family. It was pretty uneventful but it was the first time the Grandparent got to see Landon and it had been 3 years since they had seen Aaden. They soaked it up and the kids teased the grandparents like always. It'll probably be another 3 years before we make it down there again. It is expensive to fly with kids but that seems to be the only way to make sure we get there in one piece. Ha!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Graduation Photos
No, not mine yet! These are my sisters! She graduates from high school here in a couple of weeks and my mom had asked me to take her graduation pictures. So...we went to Wheeler Farm and Red Butte Garden. We had a fun time...but she is not the most cooperative of subjects. None the less I think we got some good ones they are (just a sampling).
I do have to say that taking pictures of kids is so much easier. They just want to have fun! I think some teens and adults are very self conscious that they don't let themselves go and have fun with it to capture some candid shots. Needless to say I'm looking forward to taking my kids' pictures again this year. I'm really excited for Aaden's just because of how energetic and upbeat he is about it all. Landon is good but it definitely is a two person job with that one!
I do have to say that taking pictures of kids is so much easier. They just want to have fun! I think some teens and adults are very self conscious that they don't let themselves go and have fun with it to capture some candid shots. Needless to say I'm looking forward to taking my kids' pictures again this year. I'm really excited for Aaden's just because of how energetic and upbeat he is about it all. Landon is good but it definitely is a two person job with that one!
Monday, April 26, 2010
So today we went to the zoo with my friend Alicia. Her little girls is so cute. Aaden and her had so much fun it was awesome! So for viewing pleasure, here are some pics!
Here's Landon just so happy with his snack waiting!
The hubby and I!
Aaden and I on the train! He loves to ride it every time!
My favorite picture of Landon. He's know learning to smile when a camera comes out!
The hubby and Landon!
We had such a fun time! It was a blast to be with my friend and hubby! Who could ask for anything more! The boys were cute and it wasn't too hot out today. All around it has been a perfect day!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Such a slacker!
For the whole 2 people who read my blog...I'm a slacker. I have so many things to post about but never get around to it! So here we go.
Easter...I'll do that another time. (See what did I tell ya?)
First actual prenatal appt was on the 9th. Couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler but saw it on the ultrasound. Still nauseous but getting better day by day. I'm not having to rely on the Zofran as much. We did family history and lab work. Both the midwife and I think this is a girl and that she'll be about 7.5 lbs. She thinks Landon was the one who paved the way for me to have a wonderful homebirth this time with him weighing in at 8.11 and being 20 hrs in labor. I'm a bit skeptical about the weight and time of this one but we'll see. Lab work came back and I look beautiful and was made for having babies. (Her words, not mine). For all those who don't know, I was diagnosed with a closed fallopian tube and endometriosis in 2005, so every pregnancy is a miracle to us. The fact that I've only miscarried once is beyond what the doctors ever thought so I'm very grateful for being given this opportunity.
We went to a Bees game on the 16th. Had a ton of fun. The boys, especially Landon, were making the people around us laugh. My parents and sister went with so that was fun. Fireworks were great.
Saturday the 17th....not a good day. Spent the majority of it in the ER for a pulled muscle in my back over my lungs. Doctors though of a possible pulmonary embolism. The pain was so excruciating that it was making me vomit. For those who know me...I hate to vomit and can usually talk my way out of it...yet this was bad. I would have taken labor without the gift at the end over that. So the weekend was slow going. I still have some slight pain every once in a while but doing better.
We bought our tickets to Texas. Woo-hoo. We go down in May.
Okay maybe not so much has been going on. Aaden has said/done some really cute things and so has Landon yet I can't remember right now to post. I need to get better at this.
Easter...I'll do that another time. (See what did I tell ya?)
First actual prenatal appt was on the 9th. Couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler but saw it on the ultrasound. Still nauseous but getting better day by day. I'm not having to rely on the Zofran as much. We did family history and lab work. Both the midwife and I think this is a girl and that she'll be about 7.5 lbs. She thinks Landon was the one who paved the way for me to have a wonderful homebirth this time with him weighing in at 8.11 and being 20 hrs in labor. I'm a bit skeptical about the weight and time of this one but we'll see. Lab work came back and I look beautiful and was made for having babies. (Her words, not mine). For all those who don't know, I was diagnosed with a closed fallopian tube and endometriosis in 2005, so every pregnancy is a miracle to us. The fact that I've only miscarried once is beyond what the doctors ever thought so I'm very grateful for being given this opportunity.
We went to a Bees game on the 16th. Had a ton of fun. The boys, especially Landon, were making the people around us laugh. My parents and sister went with so that was fun. Fireworks were great.
Saturday the 17th....not a good day. Spent the majority of it in the ER for a pulled muscle in my back over my lungs. Doctors though of a possible pulmonary embolism. The pain was so excruciating that it was making me vomit. For those who know me...I hate to vomit and can usually talk my way out of it...yet this was bad. I would have taken labor without the gift at the end over that. So the weekend was slow going. I still have some slight pain every once in a while but doing better.
We bought our tickets to Texas. Woo-hoo. We go down in May.
Okay maybe not so much has been going on. Aaden has said/done some really cute things and so has Landon yet I can't remember right now to post. I need to get better at this.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So here I sit, just got done eating some dill pickles and some strawberry yogurt and yet I'm still nauseated! I'll be 10 weeks on Saturday and I'm counting down the days, even though it is still a mystery as to an exact number, until this nausea is gone. I'm still on Zofran which helps but it doesn't fully take away the nausea. At this point soda and any artificial sweeteners and treats make my tummy turn. And this isn't a good thing as Easter is this weekend and I'd like to partake in the treats part.
So what is this about frustration? Well I'm frustrated because I have no, zilch, none. This equates to dinner never being done, house not cleaned, and behind on laundry. At the same time it means I have no energy to do anything with my kids. I've tried to start exerting myself and I get extremely winded, dizzy and nauseous. I'm gonna ask my midwife about this if it continues when I see her again. So my poor hubby suffers. The dog can't go out much since there is a foot of snow in the yard since she still has stitches. I think she is as frustrated as I am. I'm sick of this excess salivation. It makes me nauseous. It equates to this at night...sleep with excess salivation...wake up with severely bad breath and nausea. The things my hubby has to put up with in order for me to just maintain a bit of dignity.
I know I'm not walking around like the walking dead with my last pregnancy but still. My family environment is suffering. I'm sure within the next week or two I'll feel a shift in energy and the nausea will start to subside, but until then I feel guilty. Guilty because my poor hubby not only has to deal with jackasses at work but then he comes home and takes care of the kids and what little he can get done in the house just so I can have a moment to myself. Good thing it is a 4-day weekend coming up. Maybe I'll be able to do something so I don't feel so guilty. In all actuality it's kind of depressing. I've had this good thing going in the house with staying on top of everything and this pregnancy has just sidelined me.
Well I think that is all for now. I'm thinking of just getting a good cry out.
So what is this about frustration? Well I'm frustrated because I have no, zilch, none. This equates to dinner never being done, house not cleaned, and behind on laundry. At the same time it means I have no energy to do anything with my kids. I've tried to start exerting myself and I get extremely winded, dizzy and nauseous. I'm gonna ask my midwife about this if it continues when I see her again. So my poor hubby suffers. The dog can't go out much since there is a foot of snow in the yard since she still has stitches. I think she is as frustrated as I am. I'm sick of this excess salivation. It makes me nauseous. It equates to this at night...sleep with excess salivation...wake up with severely bad breath and nausea. The things my hubby has to put up with in order for me to just maintain a bit of dignity.
I know I'm not walking around like the walking dead with my last pregnancy but still. My family environment is suffering. I'm sure within the next week or two I'll feel a shift in energy and the nausea will start to subside, but until then I feel guilty. Guilty because my poor hubby not only has to deal with jackasses at work but then he comes home and takes care of the kids and what little he can get done in the house just so I can have a moment to myself. Good thing it is a 4-day weekend coming up. Maybe I'll be able to do something so I don't feel so guilty. In all actuality it's kind of depressing. I've had this good thing going in the house with staying on top of everything and this pregnancy has just sidelined me.
Well I think that is all for now. I'm thinking of just getting a good cry out.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Pictures of Peanut #3
I'm sure you can barely see it but it is there towards the bottom of the dark circle.
And here is the other one. Still small but you can see it better.
We are pretty excited. It seems more real now. More real to Steve since he now knows we really are pregnant and that I'm not just faking it it! Hahaha. Nausea is lessening up a bit but still there. I'm down to my good days and bad days. Today is my last day with Zofran so we will see how tomorrow goes.
On another note of this pregnancy....Aaden keeps saying its going to be a "Baby Sister" but then changes his mind to a "Baby Brother"! I guess we are up for a surprise. I don't care too much about what we have. I have 2 boys so if we have a girl, I know she will be taken care of, but if we have a boy then I'm set with 3 boys and I'll be cooking a lot of food when they are teenagers! I'm enjoying it and I can't wait to see this little one and have him/her join this crazy family!