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Friday, May 29, 2009


So I've been trying to grow my hair out for my hubby for a while and I succeeded. Kind of. It was down to my shoulders! Anyways I am always pulling it into a ponytail! And thus it never gets done! So today I went and chopped my hair off! I am back to short and spiky! I love it! I'll post pics as soon as I can! Probably tomorrow when I can do it my way and have my makeup done! My head feels ten pounds lighter. I cut around 7 inches off and it feels so liberating! I've been kind of down lately so this definitely peaks my spirits. Now it is time to get into shape so I am super hot looking for this years Navy Ball! Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We did it!

So we bought a house last night! Yea!! We picked out our lot, floor plan, and upgrades! Then tomorrow night we go to their homefitting center and we pick out carpet, cabinets, etc! I am so flippin excited! Heres a pic of us standing in front of our lot!

It is so exciting that we could get such a great deal for our first home! I'll keep it all updated as often as I can. Especially with pictures!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our possible new adventure for a house!

So it looks like we are going to build our own house! Yeah! Finally! It looks like it'll be out in Tooele! Since living in California the drive is nothing! We used to drive an hour just to get to the nearest Wal-Mart back in Cali! How funny is that! We are going today with our realtor to talk some things over and hopefully we will get a contract going and all that fun stuff! We are so excited! The only sad part is that since we are in the military we will end up leaving here in a few years! We are hoping he gets into the commissioning program that will send him to med school! That would be awesome. If he does hopefully he will get to go to the U. If so we will be here for probably another 7 years. If not we will be leaving in about 2! Either way we are excited and just glad to be here near family!

Friday, May 1, 2009

What a week!

So this past Saturday and Sunday was my first time as a Drilling Reservist. You know...weekend warrior! Well any ways it was boring! I sat through indoc and was bored. I have worked with the Reserve community for the past 5 years so all of this was old hat! Then on Sunday I got sick! And I mean sick. I ate at the U of U cafeteria and about 15 minutes in I started feeling nauseous! Well it progressed and I ended up in the ER. Nasty! They think it was a bug of somesort...a.k.a. FOOD POISONING! I'm still not feeling all that well but I'm getting better! And so this has been recovery week! I had my hair done yesterday and I love it! It has been too long! Well that is all for now as we are to be heading off to Steve's work party! Yeah! Not really but whatever! Ciao!