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Monday, September 17, 2012

Instead of catching up...

I'm starting from here.

So today the Hubs went back to work.  Only the little one cried.  It was short lived.  From there we did chores and then off to school.  Homeschool.  Since Mr. A had trouble listening all weekend, that spilled over into school.  Talk about frustrating.  Needless to was a short day.  We did Reading, writing, math, science and language arts.  Not bad.  I wanted to get to our Geography but alas I was not prepared.  So I had to wait for the Hubs to get home.  I am determined to conquer this and be so organized it'll make your mind melt.  Why?  Because I can do it!  Ha!

So that's today.  Hopefuly tomorrow will yield me getting up earlier and actually getting my hair done and makeup on.  Baby steps.  Baby steps.