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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Being pulled this way and that way!

This is not my idea of fun!  When there are so many things to do I have a tendency to shut down until I can breathe and then I take it by the horns, but I'm having a hard time finding those horns.  There is so much to do within the next 3 weeks that I think I need to cry.  I am literally stressing about everything!  And normally I don't.  I usually stress about a couple of things but lately it has even been about what I'm going to wear.  My mind literally does not shut off at night!  To top it off my hubby had a 4 day weekend and not a single thing got done.  We spent 2 full days away from our house so that didn't help matters much.  Then yesterday poor hubby was sick.  Can I just please get a reprieve?  I am so far from perfect yet I've had a few people tell me that I'm supermom and that they can't believe that I do so much.  Well first I'm not supermom.  Somedays are better than others but I'm a busy body and have to keep going.  My kids are pretty well behaved and listen fairly well yet there are days that I want to lock myself in a closet!  Second, if i was a supermom...I'd have time to work out!  I don't.  With my hubby being gone 12-14 hours a day, everything falls on me.  So I either get up early in the morning, which I hate to do, and work out or I don't at all.  Then if I wake up early, I'm so tired at the end of the night that my hubby doesn't get any quality time.  Life with three kids has been a transition.

Wow. I have no idea where I'm going with this.  It has turned more into a complaining post than anything.  Maybe it'll help me now that I've vented.  Or not.  Maybe I need a girls night out.  That would only be possible though if I had a few girlfriends.  Hmm life is interesting sometimes but I'll make it through!


  1. Oh my, I have been feeling that too!! We (I mean me) are moving, and since my husband has been stuck working overtime, I am left with everything. It is beyond frustrating. Today I cried because I dropped my lunch. :(
    I should be all settled in our new place this weekend. If you are still feeling stressed on Monday, bring your boys over for a few hours. Since I will be living just down the street from you, that should he easy. ;)

  2. Good luck with everything you have to do in the next three weeks. I know you'll pull thru, but I am sending extra energy and encouragement your way! Hang in there!
